Posted By admin on Aug 25, 2019
The Catalina Casino is located in Avalon on Santa Catalina Island, off the coast of Los Angeles in California. It is the most visible landmark in Avalon Bay and when approaching the island from the mainland.
The large building contains a movie theater, ballroom, and formerly an island art and history museum. The Catalina Casino gets its name from the Italian language term casino, meaning a “gathering place”. Contrary to common perception of the name, there...
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Posted By admin on Aug 25, 2019
Two Harbors, colloquially known as “The Isthmus”, is a small unincorporated community island village on Santa Catalina Island, California, with a population of 298 (Census of 2000). It is the second center of population on the island, besides the city of Avalon. It is mainly a resort village. It has only one restaurant, one hotel and one general store. The village has about 150 permanent residents who live on the isthmus year-round. One notable feature was the...
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